Wolfgang Ziegler
Presentation to RGHF Senior Historian Dr. Wolfgang Ziegler,
16 November 2006, in Bavaria
The best known Rotary Fellowship in the world is Rotary Global History. The Rotary Global History website has 2000 pages full of information about Rotary Global History and it is the most authoritative source in the world about Rotary Global History. 70,000 Rotarians around the world visit this website every month.
The internet publications “What Paul Harris said” and “Why I am a Rotarian” are read every week by more than 7,000 Rotarians and are quoted at many Rotary meetings around the world.
This material is contributed by dedicated Rotary Historians around the world.
Dr. Wolfgang Ziegler is one of the best of these Rotary Historians. He lives in the German Rotary District 1840, which includes Munich. He is a member of the Ammersee Rotary Club.
On November 16, 2006, Wolfgang received a special 1905 Nickel and was inducted into the “1905 Society” from Rotary Global History. It was presented to him by Matts Ingemanson, who is Past Chairman of Rotary Global History for two years during 2004-2006, including Rotary’s Centennial year. When Rotary celebrated its 100th birthday in Chicago in 2005, Matts was the main speaker at the event. Matts is also one of our RGHF Ambassadors and came all the way from New York to present this award to Wolfgang.
Prepared by the district and not verified by Rotary Global History

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