RGHF Founding members

I hope this archive is an inspiration to all who visit. Many people have labored to bring you all of this rich history. This was also a personal labor of love. The items below, and the creation of this website are something for which I´ll always be grateful. This archive is posted solely for the protection of this valuable information and is not affiliated with any Rotary Club, Rotary International or Rotarian. My own valuable archives, books and memorabilia, collected from over 28 years in Rotary, are now part of the archives of the Rotary Club of Chicago, Rotary´s founding club. Jack M.B. Selway |
Rotarians learn from each other; we learn from the men and women who care enough to help build a better world. What better teachers are there then our predecessors in Rotary. Read their stories, read their accomplishments. You will be convinced, and a convinced leader becomes an extraordinary convincer. The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see. Eddie Blender |
The mission of Rotary Global History web site is to recognize and document the histories and current events of the pioneer clubs in what has become the world’s oldest and largest service organization. ‘Rotary’s rendezvous with destiny’ depended on the success of these first 100 clubs. Without them leading the way and spreading Rotary’s vision and message Rotary would not be what it is today. These ‘mother clubs’ of all the other Rotary clubs in the world have much to share with existing and new clubs around del world. Come on in and visit us! Geri Appel |
To create more excitement and involvement for the centennial celebrations in 2005 by revealing the history and evolution of the First 100 Rotary Clubs to the World of Rotary, utilizing the Internet Richard Mckay |
1. Foster the creation of web pages and encourage their use .2. Encourage Rotarians to explore Rotary’s past, as a tool to better understand its present and its future; 3. Provide valid Rotary information to Rotarians and the community at large. Matts Ingemanson |
A moment of RGHF’s own history. RGHF founding secretary Richard Mckay introducing (now PDG) Matts Ingemanson in 2005: Introduction by Dick McKay at RC of Chicago, also known as ROTARY/One: “In the fall of 2000, and idea emerged by a Rotarian in Pueblo, Colorado that suggested the history of Rotary should be incorporated on the internet.By early 2001 five Rotarians had come together for the purpose of developing such a plan.It soon became known as the Rotary Global History Project and at the Rotary International board meeting October 3, 2003; it was approved as the “Rotary Global History Fellowship.”
Our speaker today was one of the five Rotarians who perpetuated this idea, and he currently is serving as the Chairman of Rotary Global History Fellowship.Our fellowship has a historian on every continent and there are more than 2,000 historical documents, which have been authenticated on this site.
We currently have 10 board members serving the fellowship from India, Mexico, Scotland and the U.S.
Rotary/One has been at the forefront of this effort as I had the privilege of being the founding Secretary/Treasurer representing our club.
Rotarian Angelo Lumbar is providing pro bono legal services to the organization. He has incorporated Rotary Global History Fellowship in Illinois and he is our attorney of record. He is presently finalizing new bylaws and will be submitting them to the board for approval very soon. Thank you Angelo, for helping us to get this fellowship on solid and legal ground. He deserves a round of applause. You can access this site at Rotary Global History Fellowship. And now for our speaker Rotary Global History Fellowship Chairman Matts Ingemanson.”